
Las campañas electorales nos hicieron reír con estos videos

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Hillary Clinton y su equipo haciendo el #MannequinChallenge

Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton. Epic Rap Battles of History.

Between Two Ferns With Zach Galifianakis: Hillary Clinton

Mexican Donald Trump with George Lopez

Hillary Clinton's Debate Dance Moves

Rock the Vote | Chelsea | Netflix

Hillary Clinton Makes the Goofiest Face Ever During DNC Balloon Drop

We Asked Celebrities: Where Will You Move if Donald Trump Becomes President?

Hillary Clinton Cringe Compilation

Donald Trump sings Mahna Mahna funny song

"DEBATE NIGHT!" — A Bad Lip Reading of the first 2016 Presidential Debate

Donald Trump Supporters Interviewed by Triumph the Insult Comic Dog • Triumph on Hulu

IMPORTANT | Avengers vs Trump SAVE THE DAY 

Nación321 08.29.2016 Última actualización 08 noviembre 2016 12:29


Las campañas electorales en Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Las campañas electorales en The Daily Show Trevor Noah

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